Books that help heal emotional pain

Here is the list of books that help you in dealing with emotional pain:

When a person is dealing with some emotional pain, facing day to day chores looks like a task. This state makes a person fight the feelings of fatigue, depression, isolation and sad thoughts. We all have our ways to deal with depression but in my experience, the best way to overcome emotional pain is reading books. At times books give you words to explain yourself and they can make you feel less lonely. Books are a very useful tool for fighting depression. So check out some books that you should read when in emotional pain:

  • Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

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This book will change your perspective on life and death and will make you more confident. This is a must-read book for the people who are stressed in life or have experienced a loss. The books explain the ups and downs of life and it will make you consider your belief in reincarnation and will make you question what you yourself believe in.

  • Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe by Yumi Sakugawa

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It is a graphic novel and contains illustrated advice on how to see yourself as more. It is perfect to read on days when you feel lost. A book like this can help you find a direction and reinforce your faith in life.

  • Dear Future Boyfriend by Cristin O’Keeffe

Laughing is the best thing to overcome something. This book is a collection of poems that are relatable to every mood when you are sad or had a heartbreak. This is even for people who don’t like complex poetry, as they are simple and funny.

  • Hyperbole and a half by Allie Brosh

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Source: Pinterest

It is based on author’ blog with the same name and it contains hilarious illustrated stories about her dogs and her life with depression.

  • I’ll have what she is having by Rebecca Harrington

This book will take you into a fantasy world and after reading a few chapters you will be all laughing and rejuvenated. Think what if you could live in a world where your biggest problem was that you were forced to eat bizarre dishes followed by a constellation of celebrities? This book contains such kinds of funny storeis.

We are sure these books will uplift your mood.