Freeze some flavour for a special treat!

Mint Cubes

Don’t we all love to put a huge cube of ice to chill our drinks? In summers ice cubes are a must in shakes, coffees, sodas and alcoholic drinks. This summer impress your friends with flavoured ice cubes.

 · Chocolate ice cubes: Imagine a cube of white chocolate or dairy milk. Just add them into your shakes or make a cocktail infused with chocolate and add these cubes!

· Fruit juice ice cubes: Freeze a few fruit juices add them into a cocktail or even your regular glass of juice. They would not let the juice water down.

· Ice cream cubes: In a tub mix some semi solid vanilla ice cream, fat free milk and cinnamon or elaichi powder. Add these cubes to your cold coffee or plain milk for a kick of flavour.

· Cheery or mint cubes: Just freeze water with a cherry or a sprig of mint. Use them in cocktails or alcohol.

· Lemon cubes: The look amazing in nimbu pani. Cut small lemon wedges and freeze them with water.

· Jelly Vodka cubes: Make jell as per packet instructions. As it starts cooling add a large shot of vodka to it and freeze. Serve it as a cocktail!