Does COVID-19 really spread through surface contact?

Here is what to know about coronavirus spreading through the surface contact.

The pandemic made us reflect on our habits and just when this infectious virus started to spread, people focused more on keeping their hygiene practices in check. While it is okay to do that, it has been discovered that cleaning surfaces and disinfecting things constantly has not helped in reducing the coronavirus cases. There has been no case recorded which was a result of surface transmission.

Source- Los Angeles Times

So does COVID-19 not spread through surface contact? let’s find out.

Coronavirus on surfaces

If an infected person touches a surface before you then the virus may be transmitted but it will start to decay. The likelihood of this being the reason to catch the virus is very less as coronavirus has undoubtedly been found on the surface of hospitals but has only been successfully cultured from the air. To simplify, coronavirus spreads vastly through the air and infected droplets if you are standing in the same room as the infected person.

Cost of overcleaning

Since we have established that coronavirus spreads through the air, spending a large sum on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces is sheer wastage. It is important to maintain hygiene standards but overcleaning will not be effective in controlling the infection.

The best way to stay protected from this virus is by maintaining social distance from people. Going out in public places can increase the risk of infection. Always wear your mask and make sure it covers both, your nose and your mouth. Clean your mask properly after using it once.