You might spread Covid-19 by doing these mistakes 

By doing these mistakes you are more likely to spread covid-19:

As time passes we have to agree that people have stopped following guidelines issued for containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Ten months into the pandemic people have become careless now which is one of the reasons for the surge of COVID-19 cases. It is necessary to understand that the virus is still here and by not taking precautions you are risking both your and your loved ones lives. The lockdown has been lifted and life is coming back to routine, but you still have to play your part in stopping the spread of the disease. Check out the list of mistakes that you must avoid to decrease the chances of spreading the virus:

  • Not staying in quarantine after exposure 

In case you have mistakenly come in contact with someone infected with the virus, you should self-quarantine for 14 days. Don’t wait for the symptoms to show up, separating yourself from others is important to keep your loved ones safe.

  • Wearing a mask with exhalation value 

You might find it easy to breathe from the mask with the exhalation value, but the opening can give an easy pass to the virus. The valve made to make the exhaling and inhaling process easy does not filter the air hence increasing the risk of infection.

  • Attending get together in closed spaces 

You are only safe with people who live with you. You should maintain six feet distance from the rest of the people, even if it is your relatives or neighbors. So avoid going to social gatherings as much as possible. 

  • Assuming fever as the major symptom of Covid 

Yes, fever is one of the major symptoms of COVID, but it is not the only one. Dizziness, loss of smell, weakness, cough, and cold also indicated that you are infected with the coronavirus. So do keep a watch.

  • The only mask is not enough 

Mask is one of the ways to protect yourself from the virus but it is not the only way. Disinfecting commonly touched areas, washing your hands regularly, maintaining six feet distance, practicing proper coughing are some important things as well.