Breaking the ‘perfect mom’ myth

Mother’s Day special: Why there is nothing as the ‘perfect mom’

A little bit of screen time
A little bit of screen time

Mother’s day is round the corner and we can see mother’s day messages, quotes and videos everywhere especially the social media. It all comes back to one point basically. Mothers are perfect and they are put on a pedestal. How mothers sacrifice everything for their kids, lose their own self, dreams and aspirations yet they continue to smile. How it comes so easy to them. How a mother is a perfect in everything that she does especially cooking. How can one be a good mother if she doesn’t feed her kid homemade, healthy and delicious delicacies every day, really!

No perfect mothers

I say this Mother’s Day let’s just give mothers a break. They need not be perfect and put on a pedestal. Let me tell you something that I really believe. There are no perfect mothers but mothers who are just trying to do their best in the given circumstances. So the next time guilt comes knocking on a mother’s door because she is supposed to be perfect, she will simply let go. She will do the best she can.

Doing things for yourself

You are not a bad mother if you want things for yourself.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Take time off. Go out for drinks with your girlfriends. Take a solo trip. Pursue your hobbies. Life is too short and you don’t want your kids to tell you in future that we never asked you to stop doing things for yourself. Your kids will want to remember a happy mother who laughed and pursued her dreams.

Family eating a meal
Family eating a meal

It is okay

Sometimes when you are too tired and don’t want to cook yet you won’t order outside food because it’s not healthy. Well, it will not matter in the long run if sometimes you let your kids eat junk food or watch too much TV. We are not living in a perfect world and if we, as mothers learn to let go off things, our lives would be much easier.

As a mother, we can never stop loving our kids and thinking about them first but be easy on yourself. Don’t be a perfect mother, just a happy one.