Best beauty hacks with potato

Here’s how to get shiny hair and skin with potatoes

Everybody loves Potato. Potato is world’s most favorite comfort food; it is the number one root vegetable. These are found in almost every kitchen around the world. This vegetable can be fit in almost every dish and delicious snacks can be made from it. But we are sure you are not aware of the benefits that it provides, here we list few of them.

Root Potato
Root Potato

Potato As A Cleanser

Potatoes are natural facial cleanser. Extract potato juice and mix it with milk, apply on your skin to get a clear and glowing skin.

Potato can remove your Wrinkles

The Potato has an anti-ageing effect; to get rid of wrinkles, apply potato juice on your face and neck regularly. It will smoothen your skin.

Potato helps in Removing Dark Circles

Potatoes are considered to be natural under eye brightener, Apply a slice of raw potato under the affected area for good results.


Potato can lighten your skin

They are natural skin lightening agents. Mix it with curd and apply on your skin for 15-20 min wash it well, and get a clear skin.

Potato removes Dead Skin Cells

Potatoes can be used for removing dead cells from the skin. You can apply grated peeled potatoes on your face for 10 minutes, Rinse them well, doing this regularly will rejuvenate your skin.

Potato treats Rashes

In case of any skin rashes or insect bite, Potato can be used to heal it as it acts as a coolant and has anti-inflammatory properties which provide relief. Cut potato slices and place it on the affected area.Besides being wonderful for your skin, it can also provide some hair benefits.

Lighten hair naturallyHealthy Hair

You can achieve healthy hair by applying the potato mix to your hair. Blend a raw potato and extract juice from it. Add one egg and a few drops of lemon to it. Wash it off with your regular Shampoo .Repeat this for best results.

Treatment of Grey Hair

Potato peels can be used for the treatment of grey hair, boil the peels and apply. Repeat this 2-3 times for better results.

You probably did not know so much about potato, now that you are aware of its benefits, I am sure you will love it more.