DIY: Ombre nail art

Ombre nails/

Now add a special touch to your nails.  Ombre nails look pretty and are easy to make. Here is how to do this nail art:

For ombre nails you need:

Base and top coat

A few eyeshadow applicators or sponges

A glittery top coat

3 colours from the same family from dark to light. Or you can mix white to a dark colour. (To make the lightest colour mix two drops of white to blue and for the middle colour mix one drop.)

A steel plate


Apply the base coat and let it dry.

Apply the lightest shade on your nail (or make the lightest shade and apply). Let it dry.

Now on the center of the plate pour some nail paint and blot the nail paint on the flat surface of the sponge. Clean the sponge to remove excess nail paint. Do so by blotting it on the other side of your plate.

Leaving 1/3 portion at the bottom of the nail. Start dabbing the sponge lightly. Reapeat on all nails and let it dry.

Put the darkest shade on the top 1/3 portion.

Let it dry and neatly put glitter nail paint on top of the dark nail paint.

Once it is dry add a top coat.

And your ombre nails are ready.