5 makeup faux pas which men notice

Avoid witchy red lips
Avoid witchy red lips

While going for a date or a night out most of us dress to impress men but hold on the next time you think of over doing makeup. Men hate too much make up, so we asked men to tell us their pet make up peeves:

Witchy red lips: You aren’t a vampire and this a’int Halloween so please put that loud lipstick out. Most men feel red lips look glamorous on screen but in real life they look scary. “I want my woman to look perfect not harsh like she just sucked the blood out of me,” says Hash Khanna.

White under eyes  Concealing your under eyes is one thing but adding too much of concealer (or in wrong colour) will give you zombie like under eyes   Sure you need to hide those under eye circles but go slow on the concealer. Recalls Ashmit Tandon, “My girlfriend used to have these white under eye circles I assumed were medicines, one time I asked her why she needs ointments and then we had a horrible fight”,

Ashy coloured skin: “I knew my girlfriend from college and she had a great dusky complexion but when we went on our first date she looked ash like she was ill ”,  says Abhay Singh. A foundation too dark or too light can make you look scary. Stick to your skin tone to look pretty.

Panda eyes: Kareena might look good with overloaded kohl but most women look dazed and silly. Stick to a simple line and never let your kohl bleed till your under eyes. Apply some compact to check bleeds.

Too much glitter: “You are not a disco Barbie but a real girl!,” says Kashish Aluwalia. Men hate shimmer so don’t go over the top while applying glitter. Also stick to one product with glitter like foundation or mist or lip gloss.