Flaunt a sexy back

Flaunt a sexy back

Summers are the time to flaunt your beautiful back. But sun can play havoc with the skin! Often people get sunburns, tan, pimples on the back during summer months. Well before you flaunt that backless dress, here are some methods to make your back pretty

  • Use a soft brush or loofah with a good body wash daily. Use it softly as intense rubbing can lead to open pores that attract dust.
  • Always moisturize your back after a bath. Use a light body lotion like Forest Essentials Light day lotion.
  • Once a week, scrub your back with a body scrub, it helps clear pores and slough off dry skin. Try Fab-India Cinnamon and Orange scrub.
  • After scrubbing, use a quality astringent, this shrinks the pores. Open pores can lead to acne and blackheads on the back.
  • Always use sunscreen on your back. Use one with high SPF levels as neck and back usually sunburn quickly.
  • When going out for a party, apply some shimmer. Loose shimmer, bronzer or shimmer mist all work fine. We recommend the Colorbar body shimmer.
  • Bleach your back once a month.

Get ready to flaunt a dazzling and smooth back!