The truth about Microblading

Why Microblading is something all women must think about!

Eyebrows are the most prominent feature in some people and everyone loves to keep them sharp, trimmed and thick. Some ladies leave them as they are and others love to go for touch-ups from time to time. 

Microblading is a technique that has caught people’s attention recently for being a semi-permanent solution for women who want filled-in brows. It has become a go-to procedure for many ladies as it shows promising results. The procedure is similar to getting a tattoo but not entirely identical. 

Source- IndianExpress

Here is everything to know about microblading if you are considering the procedure. 

Expect a little pain 

Although the person doing the procedure will warn you about pain and put on numbing cream, you should mentally prep yourself before starting with the procedure. People with low pain tolerance may feel even more uncomfortable. 

Do your research on pigment and avoid disastrous results 

The color of the pigment used fades and the color that will stay is revealed 4 weeks after the procedure. Take the help of your artist to understand which pigment will work the best for you.   

Source- Worldmicroblading

Stay with the natural shape of your eyebrows 

Enhancing the shape of your eyes can be tricky as you do want to make it better but not ruin your natural shape. Get a rough sketch made before going ahead with the procedure to see how you will look after the completion. Get mapped and see if the work will suit your face. 

Do not forget to see the previous work of your artist 

You might have heard about the artist from a friend or his/her profile might have appeared as a recommendation but do not go lazy when it comes to checking out the work done on actual people. Make the most of the transparency internet offers and find out what the clients have to say about the quality of work of that artist. 

The completion of the procedure takes two appointments 

The first appointment in which artists generally discuss the expectations and the initial procedure is followed by another appointment, six weeks after the initial procedure. The second time, the artist sees how the skin has healed and enhancements are made. 

Here is what you should expect from Microblading. Do your own research about the procedure to understand better and assess whether or not it will get you brows of your dreams!