My dad got Covid and things that his recovery taught me

Here is the list of things that I learned from my dad’s Covid recovery:

Just like everyone I was also hoping that we never get to see Covid in our family, but unfortunately, the biggest nightmare came true. My dad was Covid-19 positive, thankfully he is fine and fully recovered. While I was sitting and thinking about those tough days, I realized that everything in our life, good or bad, teaches us something. The entire period when my dad was positive, we went through a lot of challenges and I am glad we came out stronger. This father’s day I thought of sharing what all those days taught me:

  • One thing I learned is that, bad days always end and good ones come back. Just believe.  
  • I also realized that you love your family more than you will ever understand, those sleepless nights, the stress, the tension. All this tells you how much you love these people. 
  • Together as a family, we can do anything. 

  • Our relatives are our biggest support, no matter how they are, but in hard times they are always there. 
  • Supporting your loved ones is something that plays an important role in a patient’s recovery. My dad said that our support helped him recover faster. 
  • Our father is the backbone of our family, and the house is not the same when he isn’t around. (ill or hospitalized) . 
  • You don’t know where the strength comes from, but you can do anything to save your dad. 

  • At some point, all of us went weak, but my dad’s strength encouraged us to deal with this situation. 
  • Dad’s are our superheroes and they can fight in any situation. My dad’s willpower of getting fine inspired me a lot. 
  • I also realized that spending time with family is something that we all must do. We only realize the importance of someone when they are not around.