A happy wife means better sleep!

A couple sleeping
A couple sleeping

Cant’ sleep well, blame your wife! Or maybe your married life! Well a new study finds that sleep-wake schedules are better when a wife is content with her marriage. A happier wife may bring better sleep for her husband.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, married couples are more likely to sleep in sync when a wife is satisfied with her marriage. The study also shows that couples who sleep on the same bed are awake, (or asleep) at the same time for 75 per cent of the time. But the percentage is higher if the wife is more satisfied with her marriage.

Heather Gunn the lead author of the study says, “most of what is known about sleep comes from studying it at the individual level; however, for most adults, sleep is a shared behavior between bed partners”.

So for a better sleeping pattern make sure your wife is happy and settled in her married life by these easy tips:

  • Discuss the day with her feel like she is an important part of the day.
  • Listen to her worries, issues or discussions.
  • Talking is the key to a happy marriage.
  • So is sex!
  • Do not underestimate the power of random ‘I love you’ . Message or call her impromptu to make her feel special.
  • If you feel she is tired, help her in chores.
  • Discuss your deepest fears and listen to hers.
  • Make her believe in you.

A happy and satisfied marriage is one where love is endless, so focus on loving each other than noticing the flaws.