Indoor play activities for your child

As a mother whose child just went to school a few months back, I was looking forward to summer break. My baby would finally enjoy home again, but a few days later I realized it was all a bad idea. His sleep schedule went for a toss and he would stay up as late as 2 AM! I became one tired mess, lazing around most of the day and not doing much. Beside playing outside he would while away with our mobiles, TV or any screen watching Peppa Pig. Then I realized the importance of activities, sure I was not his school teacher with a strict timetable but I ended up slotting his day into a schedule of sorts for me to enjoy and him to get tired and rest on time.

Yes outdoor play is important but playing inside gives them something to play. Here are 5 summer activities you can indulge in:
Board games
We have just discovered the beauty of good old board games, while it is still at Ludo and Hungry Hippo it is truly fun to sit and play. I used to love board games as a kid and still have my Game of Life preserved to play when my tot grows up!

Connect the pipes
This one is for sheer brainstorming in your child. Give them straws or if your child loves hit the sanitary store and get PVC pipes with lots of connectors. Cover them with some tape and your best play is all ready.
Water colours
We have recently started with water colours and often we sit and colour, mostly using our hands. This activity should be done under constant supervision or else you will have coloured walls. Also make sure the kid is in case the color doesn’t wash off.

Learn to stick
Fevicol and glue usage is also a newly discovered craft play. Get them to stick paper bits, pistachio shells and more. This too is assisted fun but it will help in school activities too.
Let them get bored
Children who get bored often end up thinking a lot more. Yes at times its sheer mischief too but the innovation and brain play that comes in helps them discover a lot more.