November 20: Born today? Know your forecast

Those born on November 20  are ruled by planet Moon and No.2

Traits in you As you are influenced by your ruling planet moon, you will be creative, honest, aspiring, cheerful, courteous, and highly decisive.

Health this year As your parents will remain sick, you may take stress for their health.
Finance this year If you are affiliated to business, it is the best year for you to start new business plans and deals. You may earn a lot of money and popularity due to the planetary movements. You may celebrate few religious functions as your home as a thanksgiving ceremony.

Career this year Being a very efficient professional, you know what should be done in which situation. This makes your colleagues and seniors admire your proficiency in work. You need to improve your communication skills, attitude and behavior towards others if you want to grow as a professional.

Romance this year You will find your love life getting better day by day this year. You will get every emotional support from your partner, which will help you keep going with lots of inspiration. You should have complete trust on your partner and you should avoid doubting on your partner for minor issues.
Lucky Days Monday & Sunday
Lucky Stones Pearl, Red Coral, Yellow sapphire
Lucky Colours White, Sky Blue, Pink
Lucky Numbers 2,4, 7 & 1
