5 tips for amazing sex on wedding night!

Things you must keep in mind if you want to have great sex at your wedding:

Wedding Night is one of the most important and special days in every couple’s life. No matter whether it is arranged or love marriage everyone wants to make it the most memorable one. So, here we have brought five tips that every person should keep in mind if they want to have the best wedding night sex:

  • Talk about virginity before

In our society virginity is a taboo for many people and in many cases, the girls are often judged on their wedding night for not being a virgin. To avoid this misunderstanding, the best is you must talk about your sex life before and tell your partner to be whether you had any sexual relationship in the past or not. Having sex is completely your decision and your husband to be must respect it.

  • Personal Grooming

Both girls and boys must take care of their personal hygiene especially when they are going to have sex for the first time. Girls must get themselves waxed; wear some sexy lingerie to excite their partners while guys must be sure that they do not smell bad because this is something ladies don’t like.

  • Eye Contact

Not every couple is comfortable on their wedding night; it takes time to understand each other. So, if you are feeling awkward to say something then just express it with your eyes. At times eyes can convey what words can’t.

  • Flirt with each other

Instead of taking initiative on the first night, comfort your partner before you exchange the vows. Tease each other or send some cheesy texts so that you get hints in advance and also enough time to get mentally and physically prepared for it.

  • Don’t be in a hurry

Don’t just stay in a dreamy world; you both have to spend the rest of the life together so give enough time to each other. Don’t be in a hurry to just have sex on the first wedding night, it’s a mutual feeling and it’s not obligatory to have sex on the wedding night or maybe one of you don’t get satisfied so keep your expectations under check.