Multivitamins necessary for women in their 30s

Here are the essential multivitamins that women should consider taking in their 30s for better health:

Vitamins and minerals are as important as protein, carbohydrates, and fats but their importance is often overlooked. They aid many chemical reactions that occur on a cellular level and deficiency of essential vitamins can have long term effects on health. Women tend to lose bone density with age and their menstrual cycle also creates Iron deficiency in the body.

While it is not necessary to take supplements if you have a balanced diet, chances are that you might not be getting a sufficient amount.

Source- Alyne Underwear
Source- Alyne Underwear

Here are some essential vitamins that you should consider taking, especially if you are about to enter your 30s.

  • Vitamin D and Calcium

Source- American Bone Health
Source- American Bone Health

As mentioned earlier, women lose bone density with age and this leads to weaker bones and other problems. Calcium supplements can make up for the lack of it in regular diet and taking it along with Vitamin D helps in its absorption. Both supplements offer individual benefits as well.  Proper functioning of hearts requires a sufficient amount of Calcium in body and Vitamin D may also control blood pressure.

  • Magnesium

Source- Target
Source- Target

Magnesium plays a key role in various enzymatic reactions.  It also helps in the synthesis of fatty acids and nerve impulses, no wonder it is such an important vitamin.  Magnesium is also known to reduce premenstrual symptoms in women.

  • Folic Acid

Source- Walgreens
Source- Walgreens

Also known as Foliate, It is abundantly found in green leafy vegetables and supports the formation of red blood cells. Women who are planning to raise a family are given folic Acid supplements like prenatal vitamins as it reduces the risk of birth defects.

  • Vitamin C

Source- Simply Nutra
Source- Simply Nutra

Ascorbic acid supplements are very commonly consumed by people who don’t get a sufficient amount from their diet. It helps in the production of red blood cells and is also known to have an effect on the concentration level.

Here are a few multivitamins that women should include in their diet in the 30s. Note that supplements cannot make up for the effects of poor nutrition. Make sure you are taking care of your overall health as well.