Golagappa with Citrus-Veggie Salad

Golagappa with Citrus Veggie Salad
Golagappa with Citrus Veggie Salad

Golgappas are usually had the traditional way but there are times when you can jazz up this humble street snack and make it awesome! Here is our super easy recipe of golagappa with citrus-veggie salad



•             1 Fresh Juice Orange

•             1 Fresh Grapefruit

•             1 Fresh Lemon

•             2 tbsp. of each Capsicum Red-Yellow and Green Fine diced

•             2 tbsp. Onion fine diced

•             Cremica Imli Pudina Chataka as needed

•             Small Pani Puri Shells: 18





Peel the Citrus Fruits and cut in to small dices.

Mix then well with other Vegetables and keep on a strainer to drain.

Season it with salt and pepper.

Break the Pani Puri Shells from the top and fill with the well drained  mix.

Pour the Cremica Imli Pudina Chataka on top and serve immediately else the  golgappas will soften up.


Recipe by Cremica