Women are ultimately a lot stronger: Chef Shipra Khanna

Chef Shipra Khanna
Chef Shipra Khanna

Masterchef Shipra Khanna, who has her own food show, a restaurant has dealt with lot of difficulties in life. From a messy divorce, separation from her kids and still excelling at her passion that is what this strong woman is made of! We are in awe and salute her strength. Recently Team AAW got an opportunity to interact with her and we got to know more about her. Read on..

How was the Masterchef experience, did it help you in the long run?
Being a Masterchef opens doors without you even knowing! You are acknowledged by one and all. People take your food seriously. Industry welcomes you with open arms, though you still have to prove your mettle.

Who is Shipra Khanna a TV chef or a real life cook?
That is the beauty of cooking these days, these are all different aspects of being a chef. I consult to restraints, make menus, cook innovative food, do TV show and have authored a book. Cooking no longer means just standing in front of pots and pans! Look at Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, he is there in every aspect of cooking.

A tip for beginners?
The best cooks are usually home cooks can you replicate your mother’s cooking perfectly? Inside everyone, beginner or even ‘I can’t cook at all’ people, is an aspiring chef. Cooking is no longer for mothers. It is a profession and a successful one at that. Also I have penned down a book especially called the Simply Series for making cooking simpler.

Chef Shipra Khanna
Chef Shipra Khanna

How do you balance between your personal and professional life?
See, my personal life was under much scrutiny and I still don’t have my kids custody. It is difficult to explain, fighting for them is difficult, not having your children near you is difficult. But balance is what makes us perfect and women ultimately are stronger at it.

You had an ugly divorce, any tip for married women?
In a marriage there are bound to be different point of views, both the husband and wife need to understand that both are equal. While you may not agree with each other, respect one another. Do not break a marriage the beauty is trying to work it out together much like your life itself!

Your favourite cuisine?
I love my food fresh so salads, barbeques, tapas are my choice. Italian when I wish to indulge.