Dieting? Don’t ignore alcohol calories

Don’t ignore alcohol calories/freedigitalphotos
Don’t ignore alcohol calories/freedigitalphotos

Many women crash diet the whole week and infact save calories to binge drink during the weekends. People dieting or exercising should pay attention to how much alcohol they consume as it is second to fat in terms of calorie content!

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, alcohol takes up 10% of total calorie intake among drinkers. A glass of wine has some 178 calories which means approximately as many as 2.5 rotis! And it will take half an hour of cardio to burn it.

Studies also show that people are unaware of calories in drinks and don’t include them in their diet calendars. The ‘empty calories’ in alcohol no nutritional value. Cutting down on drinking (a glass of wine a week, maximum) can help you lose weight quicker.