Smartphones contain most bacteria!

Girl talking over phone/freedigitalphotos
Girl talking over phone/freedigitalphotos

Think your phone helps you? Beware your smartphone is actually a hub of bacteria, says a new study. According to a group of students from the University of Surrey dipped their phones into petri dishes and witnessed how the bacteria flourished.

Apparently our phones don’t just carry our germs, but also pick up bacteria from all over. “Bacteria use all sorts of things as vectors in order to transmit insects, water, food, coughs and sneezes, or sexual contact,” notes the report. The biggest spot for growth of bacteria was the home button, says the research.

Thankfully most of the bacteria growth is harmless notes the report, thought disease carrying bacteria such as the ‘Staphylococcus Aureus’ have turned up in previous years when the university conducted the experiment. The bacteria can result in skin infections, respiratory diseases and food poisoning.

The best way to avoid this is to clean your smartphones regularly.