Deal with a jealous friend

A still from Uttaran

We all encounter one of these. They are insanely jealous of small things and slowly they become envious of everyone who is around you. But sometimes this behavior can play havoc with your image, socially. Though such people are very loyal, but their presence can be irksome at times. Here is how to deal with a jealous friend.

Don’t avoid her: If your jealous friend is trying to call you, ignoring the call will not help matters; in fact it might just worsen the situation. There is also a possibility that your friend got so dependent on you and does not even realize why you are behaving differently.  Silent treatment and ignorance would never solve matters.

Confront her: The easiest way out is to simply ask why she is behaving in a funny manner. Do remember a few past incidents she can relate to. After the confrontations do not say sorry, no matter how sad she is. It is her fault and she needs to realize it. Your apology will water don the whole confrontation.

Understand her: Maybe your friend has some insecurity that is fuelling this weird behavior. Step into her shoes and think what is wrong. Then confront that issue. Maybe she is not happy with her job, weight, etc. Just take some time out and gently remove all her insecurities.

But if the going gets difficult with your friend even after all the empathy and sympathy move away.

End the friendship: Though it hurts to end friendships especially with like-minded women. You must severe all ties with the friend if you feel she is doing you mare harm than good.  Make a clean break for a few weeks before deciding if the friendship is back to normal and worth keeping.