10 simple ways to lose weight this Women’s day!

Lose weight with these tips

Lose weight
Weight issues/freedigitalphotos

Women are constantly worried about dieting and losing weight. Any occasion always inspires women to lose some extra kilos. But with so many diets out there, it can be hard to know which is best for you so Dr. Kiran Rukadikar from Rukadikar’s Speciality Clinic for Weight loss; Lifestyle Modification & Nutrition Therapy gets you 10 simple ways to lose weight.

So start with small, sustainable changes like having more home-cooked meals, going for regular walks and follow these simple ways to lose weight 

1. Never skip your Breakfast
2. Don’t have low calorie breakfast, but have a Nutrition dense breakfast
3. Dinners should be the lightest of all the three meals.
4. Indulge in seasonal fruits and vegetables.
5. Restrict outside Lunch/dinner to maximum two times in a month.
6. Have minimum, 10 -12 glasses of water in a day. Have a glass of normal water the first thing in the morning.
7. Have at least 2 fruits and a big bowl of salad in a day.
8. Talk to your close friends and buddies once in every month, research shows that it reduces your emotional cravings for food.
9. Understand that there is no shortcut to weight loss except for having a balanced diet and regular 1 hour of physical activity.
10. Avoid fad diets because that sudden change can cause your body into a stressed state.

So if you are serious about losing weight this Woman’s day start out gradually.