10 things every Indian woman should stop doing

Indian women thinking/freedigitalphotos
Indian women thinking/freedigitalphotos

Often this has been said again and again that women are their own worst enemies but many of us do not understand how. Well, we work, multi-task, try balancing family and work life, still think of ourselves as the weaker sex, never enjoy and always idolize the men in our life (father, brother, husband, son). Here are a few things Indian women need to stop doing to make ourselves and other women happy:

Not respect: Most Indian women will touch their in-laws feet, god’s feet, but forget to respect themselves. Why do we think of ourselves as undeserving? Remember till the time you don’t have self respect the world will continue to treat you like a doormat (which is the case of many Indian women). With self respect comes the confidence to take a stand about your life.

Saying sorry: Often we all begin or end our sentences with sorry. What are we not sorry about? Getting late to work. Sorry. Did not make dal for dinner. Sorry. Sorry let me watch TV for five minutes. It is as if our existence is on the word sorry and that is exactly how world sees Indian women. Sorry!

Work always: Many Indian women often complain that Sundays are more hectic and tiring than weekdays. Sundays are meant to enjoy and does your weekly working off translate into a 24 hour non-stop domestic chores day? Well, take that day off from all work. Order food from outside, let the kitchen be, let cleaning and washing take a back seat and learn to enjoy your weekly off.

Being bitchy: A good bitching session should not harm anyone and be for fun however by bitching about everyone and every situation; you make your nature like that. Many women start getting a habit to nag and gossip which can be detrimental to your work and personal life.

Be in a dead relationship: Most Indian women stick with their bad marriages and lack of understanding with their husband due to the fear of the society. What will people think seems more painful than putting up with a violent and abusive husband? We women need to understand the society will still talk but what is important is peace of mind. Of your personal relations are not going well confront, don’t hide for the fear of the worst.

Shaming bad habits: Smoking, drinking, non-vegetarian food, short clothes are all a taboo in your family. But you cannot judge other women who do all this. If men can smoke, drink and wear their underwear in public why can’t women. No we don’t mean taking off that kurti and parading in your bra but wearing what pleases us rather than a society (that is as narrow minded).

Most women who shame others are simply doing it out of jealousy. Also doing a few ‘bad’ things occasionally is actually good. An odd drink with friends, a few shots at the bar will add thrill to our lives. Remember till the time you haven’t got a chance to explore the other side you can’t judge anyone’s habits as bad.

Dieting: Many Indian women love to be on a diet permanently. And often many do not eat enough. This is the number one reason why most women take inadequate nutrition and diet. In fact yo-yo dieting, cutting back on food often makes women poor eaters.

Facebook staking: Every one of us has done this in some point in our lives, stalk exes or their hot girlfriends. But this is self-destructive behaviour and all you will get out of this deal is pain. Enjoy your life and use social media to remain in touch with people you like not your exes who left you 10 years back!

Fat shaming: The classic and basic curves of Indian women are supposed to be voluptuous, and this western pedigree of super-thin women doesn’t fit our description. Stop shaming yourself and other women who have a few extra pounds. Believe us time and again men have said they fancy a bit of fat over those hollow bony petite women!

Viewing food as your enemy: Women often believe that perfect looks mean a perfect life and in the need to look thin many women think of food as their enemy. Not enjoying your food or the guilt of eating that chocolate often is higher than relishing those delicious morsels of food.