Bikini wax tips

Bikini wax

Bikini wax might be called trendy or fashionable but it is the need of the hour. In a climatic condition like ours infections in the nether region are commonplace. Though waxing might be painful but the after effects make the pain seem worth it! There are different types of bikini wax depending on the measure you want; Full Bikini wax, French Bikini Wax and Brazilian Bikini wax.

Initially waxing of private part was just confined to the brides to enjoy smooth sex but with the change in time it has become a part of the regular beauty regime for hygiene reasons. “Hair on my private parts irks me so once a month I go for a full bikini wax”, says Radhika Mehta, a second year college student. She further adds “I still remember my first bikini wax, a painful experience it was, but with time the pain has reduced tremendously”.

AAW understands that first bikini wax can leave you in tears. Here are few tips to keep the pain at bay.


  • Bikini wax requires an expert hand and experience so don’t rely on anyone for carrying out this procedure.
  • Use a hand sanitizer before starting the process to get rid of the unwanted germs.
  • Always pick a fresh spatula for wax.
  • Go for chocolate wax.
  • Check the temperature of the wax. Too hot wax can cause burns on the sensitive area.
  • In case of heavy growth, trim the hair for a smooth and pain free wax.
  • Clean the area properly with water to remove the wax traces.
  • Apply a moisturizer for a smooth skin.
  • Consult a doctor in case of redness and itching.
  • The day before you decide to wax, exfoliate in the shower. This will remove dead skin, allowing the wax to grip shorter hair.
  • Take a pain killer in case of severe pain.


  • Never go for it during menses or at least three days before you’re supposed to start menstruating.
  • Avoid oil based lotions or creams after waxing.
  • Don’t forget that it’s a very sensitive area so don’t experiment with the wax or style.
  • Avoid swimming for 24 hours after the process.
  • Working out or wearing tight clothes can give you pain and itching so avoid it for 24 hours after the wax.

Tip: To distract yourself from the pain, just turn your head and cough when the wax is about to be ripped off