Safe & natural appetite suppressants

Here are the best natural appetite suppressants:

Don’t many of us have the habit of overeating or eating mindlessly? Well that is where appetite suppressants help by decreasing the need to eat. Many medicines for the same are also available but they can cause health issues. But nature has a lot of these available to us with wholesome nutrition and marginally no side effects too! Including them in your meal means you stay full longer without all the excess calories and side effects! Here we bring the appetite suppressants that are safe and natural:



It has been known for ages as the best breakfast as it keeps one full for a longer time. It is rich in fiber and normalizes bowel movements with keeping digestive problems away.


Coffee when had in moderate amount with less sugar works as a natural appetite suppressant. The caffeine in it is what keeps one full for long. It has also been seen that it can help relieve headaches and improve mood!


Flaxseeds and chia seeds are well known for their benefits. It gives the body omega-3, fiber and protein and even helps in weight loss. Having this in your diet can increase the levels of cholecystokinin that is useful in suppressing your appetite and reduce hunger.

Vegetable juice

vegetable juice
vegetable juice

Many people do not like vegetable juice but when it comes to suppress one’s diet, it is the best you can go for. It has also been proven that having its juice before meal makes you take less of calories.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It can be used for many things and especially as something that suppresses appetite. It releases glucose in the bloodstream to reduce hunger more often. Not only this, it also provides vitamins and minerals to the body to help with exhaustion. Mix it with your salad and include in daily meals.


Ginger has been used for its digestive benefits since long. To energize the body and improve digestion, make ginger tea, smoothie etc. Having it you also feel less hungry as you generally are.



Being full of fiber content and a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, avocados work as appetite suppressant when eaten in moderation. Eating them, its fat sends signals to the brain showing the stomach is full. That is why you do not need to eat a lot of them to fill your stomach.

Which one is your favorite?